DO NOT approach
If out on the water please slow down, keep a lookout and do not approach dolphins.
Do not approach within:
50m of a dolphin
150m of a calf or a dolphin that is sick or injured
It is fine if the dolphins approach you but please do not approach them. It is important that dolphins are able to feed, rest and play.
Please observe the speed limits.

DO NOT feed the dolphins
Feeding wild dolphins is illegal and very harmful for them. Dolphins have many different fishing techniques and are great at catching their own fish.
Feeding dolphins alters their behaviour and causes them to hang around boats and areas where people are fishing increasing the likelihood of them being hit by boats, becoming caught in fishing line or deliberately harmed.
Dolphins are protected marine mammals. It is illegal to feed, harass or harm dolphins. Fines apply.

There are currently 3 new calves in the ADS
Please slow down. Do not approach within 150m of a mother and her calf.
It's calving season. There are currently new calves in the area. Please slow down on the water and look out for calves.
Calves are very vulnerable in the first few months of their life. It's important they have the opportunity to rest, feed and improve their swimming skills.
Boats, kayaks and other watercraft are not to approach within 150m of a mother and calf, and not within 50m of other dolphins. Jet skis should not approach within 300m.
Dolphins are protected marine mammals. It is illegal to feed, harass or harm dolphins. Fines apply.

There are many simple ways you can help protect the Dolphins and their habitat
Marine Mammal Strandings
Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges: 0427 556 676
Alinytjara Wilurara: 0428 253 144
Eyre Peninsula: 8688 3223
Kangaroo Island: 0477 334 898
Northern & Yorke: 0417 883 678
South East: 8735 1177
Call your National Parks and Wildlife Service Regional Duty Officer

FEB-APR 2023
CAUTION: Mother and baby dolphins in the area

Please reel in fishing lines when dolphins are close
Unfortunately we have had dolphins that have suffered serious injuries and even died due to fishing line entanglements. Please reel in lines if dolphins are nearby and please make sure to dispose of fishing line and rubbish in the bin.
Please do not throw fish scraps in the water. This leads to dolphins scavenging and hanging around people that are fishing increasing the risk of entanglement.

Try and avoid using plastic bags and dispose of rubbish responsibly
Plastic bags take years to break down and sadly often end up in our waterways.

Ensure the drain is just for rain
Storm water (from our streets) goes straight to the sea. Prevent rubbish and chemicals from washing into the drains.
To view the Marine Mammal Regulations please visit:
96743-ADS-Management-Plan-mammals-safe-V1.pdf (environment.sa.gov.au)

Explore the dolphin threats that exist in local areas and learn what you can do to help